What are You Missing at the AAAED National Conference? A Lot.

What are You Missing at the AAAED National Conference? A Lot.

In the nation’s capital, a large group of individuals have come together in the name of diversity. From June 7-10, the AAAED National Conference & Annual Meeting is taking place right outside of Washington, D.C. During the conference, attendees will be delighted with highly specialized sessions and networking time to learn and partner to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

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A Bittersweet Reflection on the 2015 AZILG Conference

A Bittersweet Reflection on the 2015 AZILG Conference

The Expected and Unexpected at AZILG

Another AZILG conference has successfully ended and left its audience with more knowledge and connections than when it began. As one of our favorite conferences to attend, the AZILG committee truly poured their heart and souls into the planning, preparation, and careful consideration of each session. Attendees gained great insight in the proposed Equal Pay Report, compensation, Section 503 and VEVRAA effects, and transgender etiquette. It was quite an eclectic group of topics that elicited a whole gamete of discussions. For example, as the topic of transgender is trending and getting national spotlight, one of the session's discussed the proper terminology and etiquette to support transgender colleagues in the workplace. Many of the terms had not been identified before to the audience, so it turned out to be quite educational and filled with inquisitive hand raises for our speakers.

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Inside the 18th Annual USBLN Conference

Inside the 18th Annual USBLN Conference

The Inside Scoop at USBLN's 18th Annual Conference

What a busy few days of travel and networking for the SourceCast team down in Austin, TX. Our team couldn't be more pleased with the attendance and sessions they've attended thus far. From sessions on Section 503 compliance to competitive advantages of diversifying your workforce, the seminars don't fall short of engaging the audience with noteworthy details. After each session, attendees fill the rooms with captivated chatter, asking neighbors questions regarding the last session. You see groups of strangers, networking and commenting on, for example, the business case for diversity in their organizations. The conference is clearly resonating with the audience and providing great topics that are already disseminating through small group chats to phone calls back to attendees' offices. The audience is clearly here with purpose and a yearning to bring inclusion to their workplace.

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ILG National Conference Preaches Compliance in the Big Apple

ILG National Conference Preaches Compliance in the Big Apple

Compliance Needs to Be a Top Priority

Now that VEVRAA and Section 503 regulations are in place and here to stay, the next task is to prepare for the inevitable audit. With more scheduling letters crashing your Monday morning routine, the speakers at the ILG National Conference are reverently pushing the need to be prepared when OFCCP comes knocking. It is no longer a thing of the future to prepare for impending audits, prepare precise AAPs, and recruit minority or diversity candidates. No, there’s no time to waste in fulfilling requirements, because reviews and audits are now the thing of the present. Each session captivates the audience and ends with a detailed Q&A, which emphasizes the fact that compliance officers and HR generalists alike all have something in common: the desire for knowledge. This ILG National Conference is undoubtedly bringing peers together in the name of compliance and recruitment. Each morning, chatter creeps through the walls and enters the halls as attendees network and share tips with their peers. Sessions consistently produce the sigh of relief when a speaker addresses an audience member’s question, which causes their neighbor to exude thanks for their same silent question. What a sight to see the power of knowledge motivate so many individuals in a single room.

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Are You Ready for the 2015 ILG National Conference?

Are You Ready for the 2015 ILG National Conference?

The Giveaways Keep Coming

Yes, you’ve read that correctly. SourceCast will once again be providing plenty of goodies and giveaways at the ILG National Conference. Simply toss your business card in, and you too can win big like the lucky gentleman pictured above. Along with the goodies, we will be happy to answer any questions about your compliance needs and share with you new tools and enhancements to achieve your compliance and recruitment goals. SourceCast will be located at booth 20 in the exhibit hall, so please be sure to say hello to your SourceCast staff, gain some compliance insight, and don’t forget your conference swag.

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The AAAED National Conference Starts off with a Bang in Beautiful New Orleans

The AAAED National Conference Starts off with a Bang in Beautiful New Orleans

AAAED Starts Off on a High Note

As was expected, the AAAED National Conference is off to a great start. With ample attendees and eager exhibitors, what more could you ask for when attending this conference? So far, we've heard from the inspiring Patricia Shiu, regarding Executive Order 11246 and it's 50th anniversary this year. What a way to kick off conference! Throughout the next few days, we are excited to hear about disability regulations, better utilizing your self-identification forms, and upcoming OFCCP enforcement schedules. With so many sessions, the real issue will be which session to choose during each allotted workshop!

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NACE 2015 Conference & Expo is Almost Upon Us

NACE 2015 Conference & Expo is Almost Upon Us

Proud Exhibitors at NACE

We're very excited to announce that a member of the SourceCast team will be joining attendees at the annual NACE conference in sunny Anaheim, California. At the conference, our team member would love to meet you and set you up with some of the many goodies we will be bringing to our booth this year. Among the free giveaways, we will also have a grand prize drawing on Thursday, June 4. Come listen to the innovative products SourceCast has to offer, and learn about the solutions that can save you time, hassle, and money. Our booth will definitely not be something you will want to miss.

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It's Almost Time for the AAAED National Conference

AAAED National Conference

What's in Store at the 41st AAAED National Conference?

Aside from being in beautiful New Orleans, Louisiana, AAAED will provide in-depth opportunities for HR professionals to provide equal opportunities for all employees. Topics such as OFCCP compliance, diversity hiring, and employee inclusion are just a few items on the conference agenda. More specifically, AAAED plans to credit and appreciate Executive Order 11246, the 50th anniversary of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and how these landmarks affect us today. This is surely a conference you won't want to miss.

Come See SourceCast in New Orleans

SourceCast is excited to be exhibiting at the 41st AAAED conference! If you're coming to the conference, stop by booth #8.At the booth, SourceCast will have a number of giveaways going on with chances to win the grand prize on Thursday, June 4. A member of the SourceCast team would love to meet you and fill you in on exciting SourceCast news, enter you to win in our giveaway drawing, or to just say hi and meet you. We look forward to another great turnout at AAAED, and we can't wait to see everyone there!

Thank You, DEAM15!


Another year, another great DEAM!

Once again, DirectEmployers put on another amazing conference filled with informative sessions, motivating speakers, and many good, lasting connections made. They sure know how to put on a good conference! This year, the topics revolved a good deal around recruitment and compliance and how the two can and should be interrelated. During the sessions, we observed great focus, connection, and understanding between the speakers and attendees. You can’t ask for anything better than to see people having their “aha” moment during these presentations and networking events, involving key topics affecting HR today.

Last chance to say hello to the Olaf guys

If you haven’t had a chance to stop by and see our NEW Olaf USB drives, please come by, say hello, and snag the last remaining Olaf flash drives.  We couldn’t be happier to be at DEAM15 and help underwrite this amazing event. As always, Indianapolis and DirectEmployers treated us very well. So, thank you DEAM15 attendees and DirectEmployers for the fun AND productive sessions and networking events.

Arizona ILG Has Been a Blast

Arizona ILGFor those of you who didn't know, SourceCast has had the incredible opportunity to help sponsor the current Arizona ILG conference.

Arizona ILG Proud Sponsor

We have to tell you, it's been an honor to be able to sponsor a conference such as this. It's incredible to be able to participate in what this organization is trying to do, as well as take part in the greater role of promoting affirmative action and good hiring practices.

Arizona ILG Proud Presenter

Our very own Lilly gave a presentation earlier today on compliance best practices which was also a huge honor for us. Sure, we sell compliance solutions, but it was a truly unique experience to be able to publicly do what we do best: advise companies on not only how to comply, but how to make their compliance efforts work for them in recruitment and hiring. So, for all who were there, we hope you enjoyed the presentation!

Now to everyone, whether you're in Arizona at the Arizona ILG conference or not, we hope you have a terrific weekend! Until next week!