The AAAED National Conference Starts off with a Bang in Beautiful New Orleans

The AAAED National Conference Starts off with a Bang in Beautiful New Orleans

AAAED Starts Off on a High Note

As was expected, the AAAED National Conference is off to a great start. With ample attendees and eager exhibitors, what more could you ask for when attending this conference? So far, we've heard from the inspiring Patricia Shiu, regarding Executive Order 11246 and it's 50th anniversary this year. What a way to kick off conference! Throughout the next few days, we are excited to hear about disability regulations, better utilizing your self-identification forms, and upcoming OFCCP enforcement schedules. With so many sessions, the real issue will be which session to choose during each allotted workshop!

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5 Tips to Improving Diversity in the Workforce

Whether we want to believe it or not, we desire change in our workforce. We hire, fire, and strategize to change and shift our workforces into the ultimate dream teams. However, when we refer to the word "change," people seem to seize up or go wide-eyed, maybe a deep shiver runs the length of their spine. Most of us, some way or another, have learned the notion that change is bad and takes seemingly inconceivable measures to adapt to it. In HR, our job is to stir the pot, create change, but we do this in a positive way. Especially recently, OFCCP is asking us to bring diversity to our workforces, hire minorities, and seek out underutilized workforce professionals to recruit locally. Not only do we strive to keep OFCCP off our backs, but we have the responsibility to fluidly mesh the generationally different employees with one another. The list goes on and on but we're constantly striving to change and shift to improve our organization. However, that's more easily said than done, so what are some tips to improve these processes?

  • Be flexible. Especially when dealing with diversity (e.g., people with disabilities), advertising flexibility as a company is key. Whether flexibility means telecommuting or providing appropriate accommodations, this aspect can attract top talent and ensure you're meeting your hiring goals.
  • Find commonalities. Bridging the gap between generations is never easy. In every human conflict, the key to bridging the difference and mending the relationship is to focus on the similarities the individuals share. With commonalities, we find solutions catered to both parties.
  • Embrace technology. As technology is changing, you need employees that either know the trade or can quickly catch on. People like veterans will be your best friends. They have dealt with some of the most advanced technology available, so they are both pretty well equipped and quick learners.
  • Get social. If you're having trouble finding targeted candidates, maybe you need to reevaluate your tactics. Are you utilizing your social media to its potential?

The majority of candidates are job searching on devices such as their phones, so are your sites mobile-friendly? Also, what does your recruiting branding look like on social media? Are your application forms accessible by screen readers?

These are just a few tips to help bring about the change and diversity you're trying to implement into your organizations. With more and more regulations either springing up or tightening, recruitment will need to continue improving and evolving. Change is something we all need but ask yourself, are you causing the change in your organization that you want or need to see? If not, maybe your recruitment strategy can add these tips or they can help you jump-start your research into new, diverse recruitment tactics.