A Bittersweet Reflection on the 2015 AZILG Conference

A Bittersweet Reflection on the 2015 AZILG Conference

The Expected and Unexpected at AZILG

Another AZILG conference has successfully ended and left its audience with more knowledge and connections than when it began. As one of our favorite conferences to attend, the AZILG committee truly poured their heart and souls into the planning, preparation, and careful consideration of each session. Attendees gained great insight in the proposed Equal Pay Report, compensation, Section 503 and VEVRAA effects, and transgender etiquette. It was quite an eclectic group of topics that elicited a whole gamete of discussions. For example, as the topic of transgender is trending and getting national spotlight, one of the session's discussed the proper terminology and etiquette to support transgender colleagues in the workplace. Many of the terms had not been identified before to the audience, so it turned out to be quite educational and filled with inquisitive hand raises for our speakers.

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ILG National Conference Preaches Compliance in the Big Apple

ILG National Conference Preaches Compliance in the Big Apple

Compliance Needs to Be a Top Priority

Now that VEVRAA and Section 503 regulations are in place and here to stay, the next task is to prepare for the inevitable audit. With more scheduling letters crashing your Monday morning routine, the speakers at the ILG National Conference are reverently pushing the need to be prepared when OFCCP comes knocking. It is no longer a thing of the future to prepare for impending audits, prepare precise AAPs, and recruit minority or diversity candidates. No, there’s no time to waste in fulfilling requirements, because reviews and audits are now the thing of the present. Each session captivates the audience and ends with a detailed Q&A, which emphasizes the fact that compliance officers and HR generalists alike all have something in common: the desire for knowledge. This ILG National Conference is undoubtedly bringing peers together in the name of compliance and recruitment. Each morning, chatter creeps through the walls and enters the halls as attendees network and share tips with their peers. Sessions consistently produce the sigh of relief when a speaker addresses an audience member’s question, which causes their neighbor to exude thanks for their same silent question. What a sight to see the power of knowledge motivate so many individuals in a single room.

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Are You Ready for the 2015 ILG National Conference?

Are You Ready for the 2015 ILG National Conference?

The Giveaways Keep Coming

Yes, you’ve read that correctly. SourceCast will once again be providing plenty of goodies and giveaways at the ILG National Conference. Simply toss your business card in, and you too can win big like the lucky gentleman pictured above. Along with the goodies, we will be happy to answer any questions about your compliance needs and share with you new tools and enhancements to achieve your compliance and recruitment goals. SourceCast will be located at booth 20 in the exhibit hall, so please be sure to say hello to your SourceCast staff, gain some compliance insight, and don’t forget your conference swag.

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Labor Day and the Ability to Work

As we continue to fill our coworkers in on our recent Labor Day festivities, have we had a chance to really consider what Labor Day means? Sure, don't get us wrong, we love the retail sales, the BBQs, and the prospect of an extra day waking up without the dreaded alarm clock as much as anyone else. However, Labor Day has other conscious and subliminal meanings that are far more important.

The History of Labor Day

For you history buffs, the Department of Labor cites the beginning of Labor Day as September 5, 1882. The intent was and is to celebrate the labor movement and the achievements and efforts of American workers. So, for most of you reading this, please give yourselves a nice pat on the back for your contributions to the working progress of our country. But, Labor Day should also be a day to acknowledge those who are less fortunate than us. This day should beg us to acknowledge those who aren't lucky enough to have jobs to feed themselves or their families, or jobs to solidify his or her place in society, or for those unemployed who can't bear to face their landlord knowing their inability to provide payment means eviction and homelessness. You see, this is the part that gets lost in translation.

Labor Day's Grim Reality

It's with a heavy heart, we point you to an article on SHRM's WeKnowNext blog, which released data for the unemployed. According to the article, 10 million people are currently unemployed. Of those 10 million, 638,000 of those unemployed are veterans. And the list just goes on and on with daunting, heart-wrenching statistics. Reading these numbers, you cannot help but to take off your party hat and ponder the reality of today's workforce. While it's amazing the lengths we gone to and the hurdles we've overcome, there is still so much more to do. Recruitment may mean something more than ever now. Are you ready to create the change and opportunity that we all deserve?

As you continue enjoying the recent memories or food and friends, also ponder ways to employ some of these unemployed workers such as veterans. We'll give you a little tip, some of the best recruitment resources are niche sites and organizations. No, we're not just saying that because it's our business to say that, but over 10% and counting of employers are raving of the quality of applicants they receive through niche sites such as organizations with connections to veteran and disability applicants. However, if you're currently content with your workforce, keep in mind these job seekers during a time of festivities, and cheers to a shortened workweek!

Source: WeKnowNext Blog

5 Tips to Improving Diversity in the Workforce

Whether we want to believe it or not, we desire change in our workforce. We hire, fire, and strategize to change and shift our workforces into the ultimate dream teams. However, when we refer to the word "change," people seem to seize up or go wide-eyed, maybe a deep shiver runs the length of their spine. Most of us, some way or another, have learned the notion that change is bad and takes seemingly inconceivable measures to adapt to it. In HR, our job is to stir the pot, create change, but we do this in a positive way. Especially recently, OFCCP is asking us to bring diversity to our workforces, hire minorities, and seek out underutilized workforce professionals to recruit locally. Not only do we strive to keep OFCCP off our backs, but we have the responsibility to fluidly mesh the generationally different employees with one another. The list goes on and on but we're constantly striving to change and shift to improve our organization. However, that's more easily said than done, so what are some tips to improve these processes?

  • Be flexible. Especially when dealing with diversity (e.g., people with disabilities), advertising flexibility as a company is key. Whether flexibility means telecommuting or providing appropriate accommodations, this aspect can attract top talent and ensure you're meeting your hiring goals.
  • Find commonalities. Bridging the gap between generations is never easy. In every human conflict, the key to bridging the difference and mending the relationship is to focus on the similarities the individuals share. With commonalities, we find solutions catered to both parties.
  • Embrace technology. As technology is changing, you need employees that either know the trade or can quickly catch on. People like veterans will be your best friends. They have dealt with some of the most advanced technology available, so they are both pretty well equipped and quick learners.
  • Get social. If you're having trouble finding targeted candidates, maybe you need to reevaluate your tactics. Are you utilizing your social media to its potential?

The majority of candidates are job searching on devices such as their phones, so are your sites mobile-friendly? Also, what does your recruiting branding look like on social media? Are your application forms accessible by screen readers?

These are just a few tips to help bring about the change and diversity you're trying to implement into your organizations. With more and more regulations either springing up or tightening, recruitment will need to continue improving and evolving. Change is something we all need but ask yourself, are you causing the change in your organization that you want or need to see? If not, maybe your recruitment strategy can add these tips or they can help you jump-start your research into new, diverse recruitment tactics.

Seeing Autism As Attribute Rather Than Disability

Just yesterday, autism made headlines. While many federal contractors are required to increase their disabled workforce population, some technological companies are joining in the disabled recruitment process out of desire. One such supporter of the disabled population is SAP AG, a German-based software company, who hired over ten autistic workers in two different hubs in the United States. According to the company’s founder, Holger Graf, autistic people should be key components to any tech company.

Autism: A Desirable Attribute?

Autism, often seen as a hindrance, is also believed to be an attribute in highly involved and tedious fields such as computers and technology. Much credit is due to an autistic person’s propensity for repetition. Many companies, including SAP AG, have found these tendencies to reduce error and result in work that is more thorough. Some credit should also be given to these programs such as Specialisterne, which provides training and education to autistic employees. With the track record and continued success of SAP’s autistic employees, we see that the proper balance of education and natural ability can be cultivated into genius in everyone.

Divorcing Autism from Stigma

The shift to introduce more individuals with disabilities (IWDs) into the workforce is bringing about marked change including: dissolving the stigma and misconception that often accompanies IWDs, an understanding of the benefits of education, and the sense of equality that agencies such as the OFCCP and EEOC are striving for. Now, we’re seeing more and more big name companies dedicating special programs to the hiring of IWDs, especially autism. For now, SAP is a leader in hiring autistic workers in the technology industry, but how long until other industries and companies start noticing the value that IWDs can bring to the table. Watch out college graduates, minorities are finally up to bat.

Source: Philly.com

Disability Self-Identification: Conversation Starter

We wrote a few months ago about the 3 chances to self-identify, but today we're going to touch on why that matters to you, the HR professional. All too well vilified, the OFCCP disability self-identification form carries with it several tangible benefits for you, believe it or not. Today, we're only going to focus on three, so please feel free to come up with your own.

The Disability Self-Identification Form Starts Dialogue

We all know there are certain questions you can't ask in the interviewing and hiring process, and no one wants to cross those lines. However, you can distance yourself from this line by having applicants fill out the new disability self-identification form and tell them the government made you do it. But beyond that, once the applicant chooses to fill out the form, you now have a place from which to start the conversation about appropriate accommodations and getting a clearer picture of the person before you, not just correlating a resume to a limited set of interview responses.

The Disability Self-Identification Form Protects You

Yes, the disability self-identification form protects you, the employer, in two ways. First and foremost, it helps you better account for your outreach and recruitment efforts when OFCCP comes calling (and they will). Hey, when isn't it nice to have stats, right? The disability self-identification form also protects you legally in the case of appropriate accommodations. Heaven forbid, an employee files a lawsuit, but chose not to fill out the disability self-identification form. Well, the fact that the form was made freely available to the employee pulls the rug right out from under them in that case, but of course we all hope it wouldn't come to that.

The Disability Self-Identification Form Helps Productivity

When employees or candidates fill out the disability self-identification form, it allows you the opportunity to accommodate their needs so they can be their most productive selves in the workplace. This eliminates frustration for both sides, the doubt that you've hired the right candidate, and the bewilderment caused by not knowing what could possibly have gone wrong in the process. Bottom line: the disability self-identification form helps your bottom line.

So now, is the disability self-identification form such a bad thing? We certainly don't think so, in fact it's good for all of us. The disability self-identification form opens up dialogue, protects employers legally from some terrible outcomes, and helps ensure productivity. Feel free to disagree, but we think this combination is a home run. But you tell us. What are the real benefits of the disability self-identification form to you?

Source: Huffington Post