Inside the 18th Annual USBLN Conference

Inside the 18th Annual USBLN Conference

The Inside Scoop at USBLN's 18th Annual Conference

What a busy few days of travel and networking for the SourceCast team down in Austin, TX. Our team couldn't be more pleased with the attendance and sessions they've attended thus far. From sessions on Section 503 compliance to competitive advantages of diversifying your workforce, the seminars don't fall short of engaging the audience with noteworthy details. After each session, attendees fill the rooms with captivated chatter, asking neighbors questions regarding the last session. You see groups of strangers, networking and commenting on, for example, the business case for diversity in their organizations. The conference is clearly resonating with the audience and providing great topics that are already disseminating through small group chats to phone calls back to attendees' offices. The audience is clearly here with purpose and a yearning to bring inclusion to their workplace.

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